Content Pages

Ourchive allows users to define custom content pages. These pages have a title, a display order, and rich text. They are useful for displaying information such as your site's Terms of Service or an 'About Us' page. Out of the box, Ourchive has several pre-defined pages. You should review and edit them as needed.

You can have as many content pages as you want, but they will all display on your site - too many might break your design! For this reason, we recommend limiting the number of content pages to 5.

Access the content page admin by navigating to

The content page list view.

On the list view, you can see the title of the page and its order. Pages are displayed in the site footer, in numeric order from left to right.

When you click on a page, you are given the ability to edit it:

The content page edit view.

The page content supports rich text.

If "locked to users" is checked, the page link will not display for anonymous users. If they obtain the URL, they will be redirected.