
Ourchive's configurability is driven by settings. You can access settings by going to

They will look something like this:

A screenshot of Ourchive Settings in the Ourchive admin interface

Settings are used to control certain behavior in the app, like allowing comments or registration. You load default values when you install or update the application. After, you're able to update them to match the behavior you want.

Allow Comments

Default: True

Use this setting to globally allow or disallow comments. If 'Allow Comments' is set to True, individual users will still be able to disable comments on a per-work, -bookmark, and -collection basis.

Rating Star Count

Default: 5

Controls how many rating stars are used, with a min of 1 and a max of 10.

Audio Processing

Default: True

If set to True, the system will use ffmpeg to process audio on the backend. This setting should be disabled if you're in a managed hosting environment where the server cannot run ffmpeg. If you are on a DigitalOcean [tk link] droplet or any VPS, you should be able to take advantage of this functionality.

Default Icon URL

Default: icon-default.png

The default icon for new users. Our default icon is a waving polar bear; if you want to change this, modify the URL to use your own hosting (or an S3 bucket, etc).

You can also, if you have access to the server, replace icon-default.png with your own image.

Invite Only

Default: True

Controls whether or not users can register without an invite. If True, users will have to receive an invite before they can finish signing up.

Invites are sent via email. If you do not have email configured, you can email your users the invite link through the process described in the [tk]user guide.

Registration Permitted

Default: False

Controls whether or not users can register on the site.

If set to True and 'Invite Only' is also set to False, users will be able to sign up without any limitation. For new archive owners, we recommend requiring invites.

Search Provider

Default: Postgresql

Ourchive's beta version supports Postgres. Additional search providers (such as Elasticsearch, a 1.0 roadmap item) will be exposed in this setting.