Attribute Configuration

Much like tags, attributes are used to organize information on your Ourchive instance. Attributes are used to categorize a work, chapter, bookmark, collection, or user. Attributes are typically relatively static data, like a work's genre or a user's role.

Tags vs Attributes

Attributes are fixed data on a work, chapter, bookmark, collection, or user. User creativity is limited with attributes, as they are entirely admin-controlled, so you should use attributes for details that have consistent meaning, like 'Rating' or 'Genre'. On bookmarks, you might have a 'Rec' attribute. On users, you might set up an attribute to let users call themselves 'Ficcers', 'Reccers', or 'Drainpipe Trolls'.

Tags are more flexible bits of data. When a user posts a work, bookmark, or collection, they can tag information about their creation; you might define 'Pairing', 'Trope', or 'Content Warning' tags. Users do not see all tag options when they post; they can type and existing tags will autocomplete, but tags are more freeform by nature.

Ourchive comes with suggested tag and attribute definitions. You are free to update them as you please.

Attribute Types

You can manage attribute types within the admin interface by navigating to

The attribute type list view

Unlike tag types, attribute types have a few options you will want to configure. Allow on Work, Allow on Bookmark, etc., each dictate whether the attribute can be applied to the object. You may want users to say if they're Reccers or Podficcers, so the 'Creates' type applies to users; it wouldn't make any sense applied to works.

Allow Multiselect controls whether users should pick one option or if they can select as many as they want.

On the frontend, 'attributes' and 'tags' are both grouped together and displayed as 'tags'.

Attribute Values

Your work isn't finished yet! Unlike tags, attribute values are entirely controlled by the site admin. You'll go to to update them:

The attribute value list view
Keep in mind, every available attribute value will show on the site! You probably don't want your value list for any given attribute type to be more than ten options for single select or 5 options for multi-select. If you find yourself needing more options, your attribute shuold probably be a tag.

Once you've configured attribute types and values, you'll start seeing them when creating on the site.